I’m making a battle royale feature for a game I work for and im trying to make the storm. I’ve been having a lot of trouble with it. My main problem is trying to figure out how I detect if the player is/is not inside a hollow cylinder. I’ve tried referring to roblox’s battle royale but I still cant wrap my head around how to still do it. I’ll post my current script here. (Ill just include my problem)
getRadius = function(part)
return (part.Size.Z<part.Size.Y and part.Size.Z or part.Size.Y)/2
--[[In the above we are returning the smallest, first we check if Z is smaller
than Y, if so then we return Z or else we return Y.]]
while true do task.wait(0.2)
for i,v : Player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA("Player") then
local character : Model = v.Character
local storm : MeshPart = script.Parent
local humanoidPos = character.PrimaryPart.Position * Vector3.new(1, 0, 1)
local positionDelta = script.Parent.Position - humanoidPos
local distance = positionDelta.Magnitude
local pos = (Vector2.new(storm.Position.X, storm.Position.Z) - Vector2.new(character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.X, character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.Z)).Magnitude
local damagepart = getRadius(storm)
local damagething = (damagepart/pos*2)
--if damagething < 1.04 then
print(damagepart.." Circle Radius")
print(distance.." Distance")
if distance > damagepart then
thanks in advance!