How do I detect when a local part touches a server part?

how small is the camera part?
It could be that its struggling to detect in a short space of time due to the size and speed. Touch interest only really fires like .touched so im fairly sure it wont help.

It’s 0.05 by 0.05 by 0.05. Would making it to 1 by 1 by 1 help? You also mentioned that it might be struggling, is there any other way to help with that?

The best way to do this is by checking the NetworkOwnership of a part as mentioned by @minimic2002.

After you verify that PartA and PartB have different ownership values, Trigger a Remote Function through the client to the server to verify each others positions.

Hope this helped! :smile:


I’m not too sure how to use network ownership nor what it is. I’ll do some research on it tho. Yes it helped, thanks for the suggestion!

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