How do I disable classic chat?

I only want bubble chat. I’ve looked on the dev forum for quite some time now, and despite it seemingly being a common issue, everything is old/doesn’t work/seems kinda convoluted. Any solutions?


I’ve looked on the dev forum for quite some time now

you sure you looked hard enough?

this is the first search on google


This is 3 years old and also seems to disable the entire chat, not just the chat console in the top left though, right?

this is how you disable classic chat

or with a script:

local TextChatService = game:GetService("TextChatService")

TextChatService.ChatWindowConfiguration.Enabled = false

after doing so, only the text chat input will be visible


thank you, this is exactly what i wanted
i knew in 2023 it had to just be a property i can click by now and not have to use scripting for such a trivial thing

i didn’t read it properly and i assumed you wanted the chat disabled

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