How do I end a thread from a script?

To answer your question, you can call, resume, and stop a thread by using coroutines. Similar to spawn, in that they both run a function in their own seperate threads. The difference being you can have more control over coroutines.

local thread = coroutine.create(function() --Create a coroutine
    --Put the loop here

coroutine.resume(thread) --Play the coroutine

You can also just do

local thread = coroutine.wrap(function() --Creates and runs the coroutine
    --Put the loop here

Now, to stop or yield a coroutine do

local thread = coroutine.wrap(function()
     while wait() do
        if not script.Parent then
            coroutine.yield() --Yields the coroutine. You can still resume the thread if you want.
            --Do stuff

On the other hand, you could just use the break keyword to break the loop if the parent of the script is equal to nil, but coroutines also work. :slight_smile:

Now, do I think this is the best way to go about connecting a click detector using a while loop? No, this is an inefficient way to do this. I recommend using a for loop and looping through the parent of the click detectors and connecting like that, and then using a ChildAdded event to connect other click detectors that are added.