How do i fix meshparts being larger than the original size?

I am trying to import my meshes from Blender to Roblox, but this keeps happening.
My meshes become larger than the original intended size, it hinders my progress and i have to keep going back to blender but nothing changes.
I keep reimporting the meshes, but the same thing happens.
I use the Batch FBX Export addon if that helps.

I would gladly appreciate any help.

Hello thetrenchcoatguy, You should have researched this issue on Developer Forums before posting a topic, There is a helpful guide that can assist you with this scaling problem!
Check this topic -

Hopefully, this helps!

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When exporting the mesh as FBX, set scale to 0.01

When done so, each grid line in the blender workspace will be 1 stud in roblox, so scale appropriately and you should be fine.

I hope this helped. Good luck.

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Ah, actually was reading that last night! haha
I’ve followed everything on the tutorial, including the apply scale, location, and etc. but it still has not worked. Apologies, i should have mentioned it in my post.
I appreciate the reply though, thanks!

Yes, i’ve followed this as well, manually exporting instead of using a script to do it for me.
I’ve used various techniques, such as using a 2048x2048 baseplate with accurate character sizing thru trial and error.
But alas, my efforts were in vain due to some part of the Roblox engine stopping me in my tracks.
Below i have attached a photo of my scene in Blender.
I hope this helps, thank you for replying!

Just select all the objects in the scene you want to export, go to file > export > FBX and export with 0.01 scale (Note the blender world grid, one unit in the grid will be equal to one stud in Roblox with 0.01 export scale. Change this as necessary, eg. 0.1 export scale for 1 unit to be equal to 10 studs in Roblox)

All the selected objects will be in a SINGLE FBX file all with the same scale. Import this file into Roblox. Make sure to uncheck “Rescale if too large”.


Click Apply or Apply all. All the selected objects will be imported as separate meshes into Roblox, each with their own (if any) textures attached automatically. FBX export packs the textures with the objects unless you manually disable this behavior.


In the asset manager, select all the recently imported meshes, and press Insert with location. This, as the name suggests, will insert the imported meshes with their positions preserved, so relative offsets between parts won’t change.


Now, with the map imported, check if the map looks more or less as it should. If everything is in place but the scale is off, you can select the imported meshes, and scale them while keeping proportions by holding shift and resizing. Resize them until the scale of the map is big enough to feel fitting for the size of a Roblox character.

If following these steps still doesn’t work for you, feel free to DM me a file with your map and I’ll export it for you, but I don’t see a reason why this method shouldn’t work for you.

I hope this helped. Good luck.