How do I fix the flatform/device tag e.g. Check if the user is in mobile/pc/console

If I’m in studio its working but in normal server not in roblox studio its not working

Oh, without you making any changes to the script?

If you made any changes to your place in studio, make sure you publish to roblox so it can update the servers to work.

I did and can you help me to fix it?

So it’s still not working even if you recently published to roblox?

Yeah I already publish it but its not working

How do I check if the player is in console or mobile?

if table.find(Platform[2], "mobile") or Platform[1] == "mobile" then
	 --Do stuff
if table.find(Platform[2], "console") or Platform[1] == "console" then
	 --Do stuff

So what exact happens when you’re on a real server? Like what are the outputs saying, is there any image labels even showing up?

I am on a real server and there is not any images showing up.

Okay, if there are none of those device images showing, there must be an error occurring when trying to figure out the input or trying to show the ui.

Can you try check the developer console while in-game on the roblox application by pressing f9? Then screenshot whatever error there is for the ui.

It’s logging that I’m on mobile but the tag is PC and there is no errors at all

And what device are you actually on?

This looks like its an error of displaying the icon then, which some reasons can be you don’t have the right variables/names, or maybe the images are mixed up.

I am on mobile and also the images doesn’t messed up

When I say messed up, I mean if the names of each of the ImageLabel elements match to the image it has.

The name was right too and I don’t know why it’s happening like that.

Hm, yeah I find that very strange too, never seen this my whole time in studio.

Could you send your updated scripts with those print lines? And show the variables too.

RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, device)
    if device == "Console" then
      GuiClone.Frame.IconHolder.Console.Visible = true
    elseif device == "Computer" then
      GuiClone.Frame.IconHolder.Computer.Visible = true
    elseif device == "Mobile" then
      GuiClone.Frame.IconHolder.Mobile.Visible = true

Hm, this is a really strange situation I’ve never encountered.

Make sure your Images are default set to not visible, and maybe try what a guy in this thread said earlier,

Oh and, try making your if statements separate!

I already did that too but all of the tag is set to visible = false

BTW I already clone the gui but I want to use it in other script how do I get the gui from the player??