I made this model on blender and when importing it to Roblox studio I found that there’s holes in it
I’ve tried fliping the faces and enabling doubleside but theres always atleast one hole left
What is said model?
It’s possible that the hole is the output of a reversed surface.
I think there is failed mesh connection.
Is there anything I can do to fix it?
Please try my solution posted here:
Try reinstallong studio if the bug continue. I tackled bug but was fixed for my uploaded mesh after reinstall
It isn’t a hole.
I’ve had it happen where an edge is not oriented properly.
One way to try fixing it is to select all faces, go to the Mesh tab, select Normals, and then select Reset Vectors (I think it’s called something like that).
I’ve also had cases where the edge seems to have reversed the edge of the faces, even though all the faces around it have the Normals pointing the same direction. I think it’s because I didn’t Extrude Vertices or Edges properly. I’m not a Blender pro at all. I just deleted the faces and edges, selected the Vertices left and did the ‘reset vector’ trick I mentioned before, then made the faces again between the Vertices.
On another note, you may want to have a look at where your handle meets your sword blade. It looks like the blade would cut in between the users thumb and finger if their hand slipped at all.