How do I fix this GUI Button?

Is it cause your frames transparency is set to 1? or did you forget to set the frames visibility to on?

all of the frames and stuff in “FrameScreen” trancparency is set to 1

First of all you forgot to set enabled on the gui you are trying to open off

Try setting you transparency to 0 see if that works

but that will make it visible already when I test

yes and then set the screen GUI enabled to off (untick that blue check mark I circled and make sure your frames transparency are set to 0) then when you click the button it will make it enabled and you can see them after you click the button

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OMG! It worked thank you so much bro I’ve been trying to fix this for ages!

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Np! remember to mark solution checked!

have fun creating!

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Thanks bro! Goodluck to you! :slight_smile:

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