Wow, i haven’t thought of using meta tables.
Thank you sir!
Wow, i haven’t thought of using meta tables.
Thank you sir!
No problem, however as you notice you will have to create a new metatable in order to name a table as how it was indexed which is painfull. To solve this we can automate it using more meta tables!
local BuildingParts = {}
local automate = {__newindex = function(table,index,value)
local nameTable = {__tostring = function(table) return index end}
BuildingParts["Tiny Engine"] = {
Category = "Engine",
Class = "Engine",
IconId = "6219814488",
Price = 250,
Description = "A really small engine",
--BuildSound = PlaceSoundsFolder:WaitForChild("HardMetal"),
Purchasable = true,
BuildingParts["Large Engine"] = {
Category = "Engine",
Class = "Engine",
IconId = "6219814488",
Price = 10000,
Description = "A really big engine",
--BuildSound = PlaceSoundsFolder:WaitForChild("HardMetal"),
Purchasable = true,
print(BuildingParts["Tiny Engine"])--Tiny Engine
print(BuildingParts["Tiny Engine"].Price)--250
print(BuildingParts["Large Engine"])--Large Engine
Wow. This is great to know.
Thank you!