How do I ignore y-axis in Humanoid.MoveDirection

Hello, I’m creating a swim script, it’s perfect, but I want it so you can’t swim down, you can only swim left and right. How would I accomplish this? So far I tried doing something like this…

velocity = (humanoid.MoveDirection *, 0, 1)) * humanoid.WalkSpeed

but, it doesn’t work. If you need more info just reply. Any ideas are appreciated.

Thank you.

You can try creating a new Vector3 object with its Y-axis set to 0, and X and Z axes being set to the move direction’s.

local direction =, 0, humanoid.MoveDirection.Z)
velocity = direction * humanoid.WalkSpeed
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Seems like a smart idea, yet it doesn’t work sadly. Here’s what I did:

swim.Velocity =, 0, humanoid.MoveDirection.Z) * humanoid.WalkSpeed

It’s weird.

Are there any errors in the output?

No, I believe it’s just the way move direction works. Is there a work around move direction or an alternative?

Well, you could add a Vector Force inside the character’s HumanoidRootPart and change its force with the formula.

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Okay good news! It works, but since it’s a vector force I keep sinking even if I increase the velocity.

Okay so I figured out the problem was because I was using body velocity. After switching to linear velocity it worked. Thank you for your time and support.

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