How do i improve my ui

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. i want to make a good ui that doesn’t make you wanna stab your eyes with a knife

  2. i want to make my game ui better, but im not sure on how to improve it

  3. i tried changing button shapes,positions,layouts,fonts and im still not sure on how to make a good looking ui
    heres how it currently looks:


Contrast? It’s difficult to read the text and I don’t have dyslexia. Maybe try decreasing the saturation of the gradients and set the text to a white color and decrease the transparency of images and text? Also, you could maybe add a white TextStroke on the text in front of the disk image?

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Well, here’s everything I see wrong with it:

  • The layout is abysmal, there’s random buttons EVERYWHERE with seemingly no sorting whatsoever.

  • The font is difficult to read with it being the same color as the backdrop

  • Speaking of the backdrop, the color choice is awful and they blend in with the environment too much.

  • There is near zero consistency in the UI, its just all over the place

  • The UI is confusing. Like really confusing.

Here’s what I mean:
3 buttons up here and a random close button.
(No idea what its supposed to be closing)

Hard to read text, text everywhere, inconsistent coloring and the ui scaling is off
(buttons are higher than the other frame)

Settings button off in narnia
(and it’s an image instead of text which doesn’t go with the rest of the ui)

Hard to read text on a png of a disc which doesn’t fit with any of the other UI
(and the text seems to be a different font but I may be wrong)

What am I saying here?
Its just a mess and difficult to read and most likely difficult to navigate, too.

I’d say its probably better and easier if you just start from scratch and get everything looking good and working together, but I’m not really a UI guy so maybe it is fixable.


The scale is my biggest thing, what is going on in the bottom left corner? You’ve got 5 different frames and none of them are the same size!! BUT 4 OF THEM ARE IN THE SAME GROUP?

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Okay… So I took some time and I’ve got some ideas, from a 3rd party view I had no idea what was going on with the UI everything was vibrant and all over the place. Now I did try to keep somewhat of your style but it didn’t stay for long. I did check out the game briefly just to kind of get a better understanding of the UI and this is what I’ve got

*note this is all in a 3rd party program this isn’t in roblox.

So a few ideas is moving the player stuff to the top corner, you will have to relocate chat to another spot but that’s okay.

Theres also a new box with the little muscle under it as I seen on the original you had like a random counter and I had no idea what it was counting so theres that. Although I’d admit some people might mistake it as a multiplier but :person_shrugging:

Anotha thing, the audio player. It was to vibrant and you couldn’t reach the text half the time so I still allowed the disc on the background but basically added a frame around it so you can better read the text along the background.

The few random text you had on screen all got moved to the bottom right, you can probably make some overlay on the screen for sub interactions like you’ve already sort of did with the Ro-Wrestler and Spawns.

This is actually an after thought you could do something like this for dropdowns


And the last button of them all the settings button, the best place I have for you for that button is in the top-right corner on the topbar using topbar+ V3

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alright, thank you all for giving tips! hopefully i will be able to make a good ui :happy2:

wait a minute, that healthbar is really familiar…


well, looks like i will have to revamp the entire game ui

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alright, i will make sure the colors are more easy to your eyes

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is this good?

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final version