How do I keep a frame in the same place whilst moving it's parent object?

Hey all!

So I was wondering how to keep the three dots at the right in the same place when I scale the object? They need to be about 100 pixels from the edge of the CanvasGroup. You can see where they are located at the right of my screen in the explorer. They are all grouped in the frame “WindowActions.”

Thank you all in advance!


You can set the anchor point of the dots to 1, 0 and the position to 1, -100, 0, 0.

An anchor point of 1, 0 and a position of 1, 0, 0, 0 positions a gui element relative to the top right of a container. Adding an offset of -100 on the x-axis, you will shift that gui element 100 pixels to the left relative to the top right.


Thank you! It worked. I don’t suppose you know why this is happening? The UI just… Disappears offscreen.

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I’d suspect that frame isn’t being scaled relative to the screen. Consider scaling the frame to scale to the screen with the size 1, 0, 1, 0, and then apply any padding on the x and y offset values.

Here’s a tutorial if you don’t understand:


you sir are a wizard…

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