You could go into the …, click save as and name the animation, then ask your friends to go into the animation editor and load it. This is a temporary fix though, who owns the game? If the animations breaking is a permanent issue, make sure whoever owns the game has the animations saved on their account. You can do this by using the same process, and having your friend publish the animation.
You could try using a keyframe player that bypasses the humanoid, but I can’t think of anything else.
I own the game,and the main problem is i need them to be able to see the animations on the studio test itself for example were makin a gun and theres a shot animation but they cant see it, it’s kinda bad since if i make one animation and they code the gun system they wont be able to see the gun on their hands making the test experience bad, so although is i appreciate the idea of loading it from the animation editor (which can atleast be good for them to preview) it isnt much of a good fix…
also if they publish the animation wont we have to change the id on the script itself? meaning i wouldn’t be able to see them?
Does it work ok when you publish it into a game (setting the game on private) and playing it through there?
Yes the animations work in game (published) as you can see on this video
robloxapp-20210107-2112534.wmv (372,6,KB)
That sounds interesting, could you elaborate on how would i be able to accomplish such?
With the default animation editor, I do not think this is possible. However, you CAN screenshare on some sort of communication app that has that feature (discord, google hangouts, some other ones) and they can see it there.
Try publishing the animation to Roblox then import the published animation into the animation editor. Hope this works good luck.
Edit you have to change the animation ID everywhere to have it up-to-date.
Keyframe players are usually used in Void Script Builder scripts like orange justice, etc. They take a keyframe and convert it into a table, and change the joints accordingly.
I appreciate the help but my problem relies on the fact that animations owned by me can not be seen by other people on teamcreate once they press this button
(test themselves)
So when you play test the game only you see the animations you created? Can you see their animations?
Nope,that’s the main problem, a roblox limitation which i need a way to counter somehow.
Are you playing the animations from a client script? This could be the issue.
It’s not a great solution, but they’ll be able to test locally with the animations you create if you work on a group game and publish the animations to the group instead of your account.
The issue is that their friends don’t own the animations, it isn’t an error in any script, it’s a roblox ownership issue.
Yea… i was trying to avoid that specially cause i already have the game set up on my account and republishing it on the group would erase all previous statistics such as plays,likes,dislikes,favs and data from datastore…
Generally games have a prototyping or test place and a place to publish to, you probably shouldn’t be editing a live game anyway, so it’d be good to make a separate prototyping group game.
edit: I believe you can use animations from a group in your own games if you have that level of access, which would be the best solution here if that is the case.
Do as @prepsure says make a prototyping game where you don’t have to worry about data loss. That’s how good developers do it.
This is actually a pretty good idea, although i would prefer if roblox would support having the animations used in the game work automatically this is a nice solution in the meantime, i will do this. Thank you !
You could use gyazo, a gif/ image sharing service; or record it via OBS. Both are viable options, but gyazo has a limit of 7 seconds while OBS can be recorded for as long as possible.