How do i load someones Character in R6

Hey! I am currently making a project and i want to know how do i load a random friend character in R6?

I would appreciate any kind of support.

local description = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(1387374449)

Expanding off of the API for obtaining friends from a UserID, explained well by this post: Getting a players friends - #4 by ForeverHD
And expanding off of Auburn’s post.

local fID = 0 --UserID to search for friends from
local FriendTable = {}

local Success,FriendPage = pcall(function() --Protected call to prevent errors. Better safe than sorry.
	return game.Players:GetFriendsAsync(fID) --Obtain all friends from the previously stated fID variable.
if Success then
		local PageInfo = FriendPage:GetCurrentPage() --Gets the current page of friends.
		for Index,FriendInfo in pairs(PageInfo) do --Iterates through the page and adds the info from each friend to "FriendTable".
			table.insert(FriendTable,FriendInfo) --Insert to "FriendTable".
		if not FriendPage.IsFinished then --If there are still pages left, continue iterating
			FriendPage:AdvanceToNextPageAsync() --Advance to next page
	until FriendPage.IsFinished --Once finished, halt the repeat

local FriendInfo = FriendTable[math.random(1,#FriendTable)] --Obtain FriendInfo from the "FriendTable" using our current Index. math.random to pick a random friend. (# operator obtains the length of tables without keys)
local FriendDescription = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(FriendInfo["Id"]) --Basing off of the previous post! Obtain the HumanoidDescription from the UserID of the randomly picked friend.
local FriendCharacter = game.Players:CreateHumanoidModelFromDescription(FriendDescription,Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6,"Default") --Applies the previously obtained HumanoidDescription to a PlayerModel which is generated from game.Players. (Set to spawn as R6)

--Do whatever with FriendCharacter

This code is untested for errors because my Intellisense is currently broken, so please troubleshoot this before using it!

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