How do I make a 2d avatar look up and down depending on where the mouse is?

I want to make a 2d character that would look up and face to the right of the screen if the mouse is at the top right. I also want them to move like in “First person” So that they don’t turn around while facing the mouse. Is there anyway to do this?

Is the 2D character the same rig Roblox uses?

Yes, it is the same rig as Roblox

You could use a remote event and inverse kinematics. On the client, fire a remote event with the parameters of the mouse position. When the remote event receives the message, insert a inverse kinematics into the humanoid, if there already isn’t one, then set the IK’s target to an invisible part. I used a table to assign a target to a player. Then set the target’s position the the mouse position. You may need to edit the mouse position a little, because your game is 2D.

(If your game is singe player, you don’t need a remote event)

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How do I get the player to face where the mouse is? As in, their whole body?

The IK instance has a few properties that can move the body, ChainRoot and EndEffector. I would set the EndEffector to the head, and set the ChainRoot to the torso or uppertorso. Here are the types of IkControlTypes:

I just realized you wanted the character to turn, not just look up and down. Here is a post that might help with the turning part: