How do i make a badge checklist?

My friend is a big fan of the ‘find the ___’ type of badge hunting games and we want to make one together the only thing is i don’t know how to make a badge checklist.

I am looking for an explanation, script or model

I’ve already looked at existing forum posts and stuff like that but none of them work (Also there are no youtube tutorials on making one)


Badges do not track who gets them, roblox does not store the history, you must do this manually either with a database or external https.

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although you can’t ask for full systems on the forum. I’ll provide you with a code sample which provides this info and allows you to make a checklist(just a kick start basically)

-- localscript in starter player scripts
local badge_service = game:GetService("BadgeService")
local plr =game.Players.LocalPlayer
local badges = {
	[1] = 174605653, -- badge id here
for _, id in ipairs(badges) do
	if badge_service:UserHasBadgeAsync(plr.UserId, id) then
		print('user owns badge')
		-- add code to indicate user owns badge
		print('user does not own badge :(')
		-- add code to indicate user doesn't own badge

thanks so much! this will help a lot

no problem, glad I could help :slight_smile:

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A very similar thread was just made.

Is there an uprising badge-oriented game?


How do i insert it inside of my game? also thanks.

not to my awareness but if i had to say one id say find the markers
but to be honest ive always wanted to make one of these type of games this has been the only thing stopping me.

i mean, you could script is yourself using the solution I made :man_shrugging:

plz give back solution :pray:

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