How do i make a datastore for parts in a custom inventory?

im making a custom inventory and i was wondering how do i save that inventory with the parts inside?

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By parts I assume you mean tools. I would just use a bool value for true if the player has the tool and false if the player doesnt, then save that bool to a datastore

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Saving parts is kinda weird. Roblox doesn’t provide us with ways to save parts so Instead we have to save all the data values of what we need in the part we need to save. Such as Name, Colour, Transparency, etc. This is the idea of serialization. Here’s a nice devforum article I used to start out. How to save parts, and the idea of Serialization


no, like parts like “wood”

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Just save whether or not the player has the part wood in a bool value to a datastore, and when they join give them the wood.

Oh I think I see where you’re getting at. For a specific inventory item all you would need to do is save in a datastore if the Player has an item, such as “wood”. And then probably how much they have. If every wood item is the same you wouldn’t need to use serialization, you could call a premade asset and just load it in once needed.

how do i do that because im kind confused, do i make a dictionary for it or something?

Okay, with datastores you can save Tables. If you don’t know how to save a table in a datastore here is a video on the topic. It’s not very hard to do. Roblox | How to Save Tables to a Datastore - YouTube
But here’s a quick rundown of how to actually implement it. DISCLAIMER: This is theoretical, I do not know for fact this’ll actually work since I haven’t tried it myself.
What I would try out first is creating a datastore for the Inventory, then using tables saving the data. Such as: {Name: Wood, Quantity: 5, etc}. Then simply saving that table in the Inventory datastore.

I think someone should make a datastore module to help with serialization as I think is too advanced for the beginner programming there has to be a an easier method to save objects in datastore

Yeah, I agree. It would be very helpful for everyone. A while back I was thinking of doing my own due to the amount of people asking about it, but I sadly got too busy with life to create on Roblox.

oof that sucks what should i do?