How do I make a loading GUI when a client is trying to unload something in the game?

DISCLAIMER: I don’t mean by the loading screen GUI when you joined the game and your client is processing/loading contents/assets of the game.

I’ve seen some games such as Build A Boat For Treasure have this loading system where (in this case I am talking about the game) when you are loading your boat slot, the game shows up a loading GUI whilst loading the “blocks” or assets of the boat until it knows it is finished loading the boat. Take a look at this video to understand what I am talking about:

My questions are:

  1. How does the game know when an asset is done loading?
  2. Is there something to do with ContentProvider service?

I believe it’s just this, measuring the # of descendants

there’s also this replication trick:

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Replication priority huh.

Is there any other article that explains this term?

Did you not read this? I don’t want the loading GUI at the starting of the game.

The second link regarding ReplicatedFirst may still be of some assistance to your second question.

Make a things and destroy when game:IsLoaded()