How do I make a part appear when the rig or dummy is destroy or dead

ok and I just put the script in the rig and group the rig with the part together?

I mean you could possibly do that, but the script would be changed if you do that I can make a script for you with the part inside the rig.

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oh that prob why it’s not working for me, so for your code where do I put the script and do I group the rig with the part or no?

For my script to work, put the script inside the rig and the part in workspace.

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If you want to change it I can help you and provide another changed script.

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I would like you to help me create a script that does the same thing where the rig and part are grouped together and the script is in the rig.

but yea your code work and everything it good rn so thanks.

local Part = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Part")
local Humanoid = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")

local function onHumanoidDeath()
Part.CanColide = true
Part.Transparency = 1 


I’m gonna go now, bye.


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