How do I make a rig animation play when EVERY player on a server enters a specific room?

Hello there, this is a follow up to my last topic.

I’ve had the animation thing and wall thing resolved and it works amazingly, New issue is that I can’t figure out the animation running on entering a room bit

local rig = game:GetService("Workspace").theRig
local rigSound = rig.Head.Sound
local animator ="Animator", rig.Humanoid)

local introanim ="Animation")
introanim.Parent = animator
introanim.Name = "Intro"
introanim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://(the id i used)"

local spinAround ="Animation")
spinAround.Name = "turntime"
spinAround.Parent = animator
spinAround.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://(the id i used)"

local Animation = animator:LoadAnimation(introanim)
game.Workspace.rlglInvisWall.CanCollide = false

local players = game:GetService("Players")
--(this is the farthest i've got)

This is the code i have so far and yeah, it works perfectly for doing the intro and then removing the wall, issue right now is finding a way to have it play when EVERY player on a server enters this room, it should only play when everyone is inside the room.

I haven’t figured out how I can make this work and I can’t find anything on the forum similar to it.

All help is appreciated,

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To simplify everything, you can try looking into using ZonePlus to periodically check if players are inside the room zone (this is especially if the Player could leave the zone). If everyone is in, you can fire a RemoteEvent to every client to play the animation you want all Players to do.


hmmm, i’ll try it out and get back to you! thanks for the suggestion!

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hmmm, sadly i think ZonePlus might be outdated, last updated 2022 and i cant seem to get anything to work, thanks for the suggestion though!!!

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still an active post! boost!!!

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ZonePlus definitely still works, unless roblox made some weird update in the past month which broke it (very unlikely)

no matter if you want to use zoneplus or not, the general idea is that whenever a player enters the room, check if all players are in the room, and if so, play the animation. You can also use a .Touched function for this instead, in which you place a giant uncollidable box inside the room to mark the location of the room.

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i seem to not be able to get ANYTHING to work with zoneplus

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I should mention I am not good at coding, specifically lua, I can get some basic stuff done but other than that I’m not great, I’m mainly an animator

still looking for suggestions! active!

still active! still unresolved!