How do I make a separate area for first place on a leaderboard?


I am trying to make a leaderboard that has a separate area on the leaderboard for first place. If you don’t understand what I’m trying to say, here’s a screenshot of what I’m trying to achieve:Screenshot 2021-03-28 135611


Is it supposed to be a global leaderboard? Or a regular leaderboard that shows every round?

It’s supposed to be a global leaderboard. Sorry for the confusion.

Ah, have you checked out this post then? It could help you to find who’s #1 on the leaderboard using the index

Thanks for your help, I’ll check it out.

Lemme know what happens & if you get confused by anything, I’ll try my best to explain what each thing does :sweat_smile:

In order to make it show, should I duplicate this?
I’m assuming I should, but I’m not completely sure.

Shouldn’t be necessary, if you look up you should see the:

if number == 1 then
--Do your cool changes here

That’s basically what Place #1 is, that image you sent is just basically cloning all the frames for every player that’s currently in the game rn so that you know who’s in what place

Would this work? I think it will, I just need to be sure.


You could if you want place #1 there, you may need to configure the script a bit though for it to work

Which parts of the script should I configure? Also, sorry for asking a lot of questions, I’m quite new to working with leaderboards.

Where it attempts to clone all of the frames, you should implement a conditional check if that specific player is in Place #1 to place him/her there

If not, then you can just clone the default frame (Or the other small frames)