How do I make a server script in Roblox Studio?

Hello, I know this may be dumb. But I have been searching and I can’t know how to do it.

How I make a server script in Roblox Studio?


One of the ways you can do this would be to click the plus button on a service such as the ServerScriptService and add in a Script. It’s not explicitly labeled as a “Server Script”. People often refer to it that way to distinguish between LocalScripts/Scripts/ModuleScripts when describing what code should be ran where and etc.


This means this:

DM ME TOO Aleayx#0001

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I’m not sure what the context is with the message you are referencing but I’d presume that would be correct?

Initially, when that message says to “paste both scripts in the server scripts”, it appeared as if “ServerScriptService” was autocorrected to “server scripts”, however, the “1 script in each other's script” makes me think that a typo wasn’t made.


DM me pelase, I’m strongly stuck following a process to make a ban bot in Discord.


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I’m not going to go off-platform for that – I would prefer you to DM me directly on the Developer Forum.

Keep in mind that I do not have any experience with the resource that you’re utilizing, so I would not be of much help with completing any additional steps.

I found the thread that you’re following the instructions from, and it’s still not very clear to me about the specific placement of each script rather than both of them needing to be in the ServerScriptService.

Edit #2: After thinking about it a bit more, I believe the thread is saying that code contained within the two links provided in the previous step will go into separate scripts in the ServerScriptService.

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I don’t get how this isn’t clear, basically, make 2 new server scripts, and paste the code that I linked in them

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I have more issues that I don’t understand as the SUBurl, etc. Please, I would even pay you 100 Robux if you would help me to make this work. Please DM me, Aleayx#0001

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Just read the steps, I say this for the sub url part

“For the subURL variable, please go back to your .env configuration file and copy the value that’s next to ‘subURLForGettingBans’ and paste that in the subURL variable in both scripts”

I am working a v2 version of this bot with more features and more modern practices

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I believe the 1 script in each other’s script was what confused me, as it sounded odd.

Anyway, if this needs to be continued with OP and you, please bring it to DMs since the main question of the thread has been solved.

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Not answering you question, but I think you should know this.

Always put you server scripts into ServerScriptService, by doing this exploiters cant get to them.

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