How do i make a spectate script?

I want to make a spectate script. And i just dont know how.


Thats extremely vague, can you supply more detail and information on what you want done?

A button that when you press it it opens a spectate gui and your camera goes to the player you selected and you can also move your camera like if it was you but cant control the other player. All i need is the spectate part.

Free roam camera I am assuming? This could help.

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You need to change the CameraSubject to the player you want to spectate and set the CameraType to Watch

Sample Code :

local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera

camera.CameraSubject = workspace[playername].HumanoidRootPart --Change it to whichever player you want to spectate

camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Watch

This will allow you to rotate around and zoom in and out on the player.

The other part of the code is pretty straightforward , and don’t forget to change the CameraType back to Custom and CameraSubject to the LocalPlayer.

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I will try it thanks a lot. Again char minimum.

Again character minimum but thanks!

This is quite helpful for me too, thanks.

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Sorry if this is a bit obvious but this would be in a local script right?

Yes, it would be through a local script as it would only show to the client.

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