How do I make a UI moveible?

First of all, I am not good at UI or programming but I am trying to make a phone and I have no clue how to make it movable in game.

Here is a great Open-Source Module for creating a Draggable/ Movable UI Element: Simple Module For Creating Draggable GUI Elements

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just use the draggable property:

local frame = --frame here

frame.Active = true
frame.Draggable = true
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Draggable is deprecated and shouldnt be used


I realized, I deleted the message because I searched it up instead. Also, thanks for telling me I hadn’t noticed until now.

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dude its all fine, sometimes we look over api changes and stuff

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Use this: Simple Module For Creating Draggable GUI Elements - Resources / Community Resources - DevForum | Roblox

You mean movable on the touch of a button or part or something? You can use TweenService.