How do I make a weather system?

If you ever need help scripting, don’t hesitate to ask!

Thanks! Also, so I spawn some random parts according the position of the big part and position them randomly according to the big part’s size? is that what you’re talking about?

Yes, from the front size for example, do some ray, send them flying and when they are touched do some cool effects, you can expend the idea and check what the raindrop touched, if touched for example a part called “street” you can add a cool effect.

Here’s a plugin called Make it Rain. I hope this helps.

I used it. The problem it creates the rain on the client and not everyone can see it.

If the plugin offers a client script, you can edit that script and make when they receive an event from the server.

I used :FireAllClients for that, that still didn’t work.

You can loop through the players’ section, find the client script and enable the client script. The client script must be disabled, the server will enable it.

Oh wow. Great idea, but I’ll try and make my own rain

Good luck. If you have a question, don’t hestitate to ask the dev forum.

I might get a lot of trouble making my own rain. 1st time :slightly_frowning_face:

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I can relate, as a scripter if you try something new yourself, but that’s why the dev forum exists yeah?

Yeah you’ re right. Could you friend me so I can ask any question any want because you might be offline after few minutes on the dev forum?

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Let’s take it to dev forum DMs.

Okay. How would I DM you? Idk lol

Oh, just a regular weather system, not a real time… much easier, just script out the effects for the weather, if its raining add droplets, if theres a tornado, add a tornado, try storing them in functions, call them later when the weather changes…

There is a topic on this here:

If you need more help please let me know!

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For counts, roblox is working on procedural skies which should go live around October-November ish, which looks cool. I’m personally waiting for that to release to change how I do clouds.

Here’s something I put together.

I made some basic rain, but there are a few flaws:

  • The rain falls in spurts
  • At the start of the code, all of the raindrops fall at one

Here’s a video:
My apologies for it being a download. I’ll fix it as soon as I can.

I can help you! WHat are the weathers you want?