How do i make a working terrain boat?

I’m trying to make a terrain boat but i don’t know how to make one, can you explain me one thats easy to built (sorry if the topic is boring but I’m trying to get a answer)


A boat that can float in terrain water or a boat literally out of terrain?

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BaseParts Boat – that floats on terrain water and most probable relation to the question.

Option A:
If it’s a boat that floats on terrain water, change density on parts by changing it through CustomPhysicalProperties. Of course you have to weld the boat together and use something to stabilize the boat, which in correct terminology is ballast.

To propel the boat, you’ll need BodyMover(s) – which also can be used to keep the boat upright. Totally forgot about some features with attachments, VectorForce is an example.

Option B:
Remember Galleons by Wingman8?Game is broken

I believe that game used mostly BodyMovers and artificial water(which is, again, a BasePart). Instead, you’re going to have one specific part anchored and moved. The part will always stay at the fixed Y-axis.

Terrain Boat – made of terrain

Impossible without lagging the game. Terrain is fixed unless you want it to be a moving island, read the aforementioned paragraphs. Entire island must be made out of BaseParts and welded together properly.


It should also be noted, that it is possible to get a balanced boat without CustomPhysicalProperties…

Also Rudders or Fins ( for submarines) are capable of working in water on their own… just like their real life counter parts. So that’s one less BodyMover. These can be really hard to achieve. But not impossible.


On this website there are very well designed boat designs to keep you in your game

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The way I did it was using the three BodyMovers: BodyGyro (To steer the boat), BodyVelocity (To make it move), and BodyPosition (To keep the boat from sinking). I applied these on a Model in which all parts were welded and unanchored. The BodyPosition could only apply force on the Y axis, the BodyGyro could apply force on all axis, and the BodyVelocity could apply force on the X and Z axis. You will need to write a script and use math skills for this method, here’s an old game of mine which used the method. Sorry if I’m forgetting anything, it’s been a long time since I wrote the boat scripts for that game.

Note: If an answer solves your problem, hit the checkbox button which is right to the left of the like button. @anon81993163’s answer seemed quite helpful to me.