How Do I Make an Custom-Shaped StaminaBar

Yeah guys so bassicaly i have that gui:

The problem is the stamina bar (the orange one), i dont have idea how make that work, i tryed use clip descendants:

But the problem is that the Container that have ClipDescendants will move (like the video ^^), that is not a problem if the Stamina Bar use offset on Size and Position (like the video), but i wont can fit that on all screens (since it offset), and i cant use scale (since scale use the Parent as reference), so i have no idea what to do.

That is the model:

Bassicaly that is what happen when i use Scale on the StaminaBar

That is the Parent (the Container)

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Why exactly can’t you use scale? I’m just confused as why the parent’s relation is an issue?

I’m not 100% sure but I think this could be achieved using UIGradient.

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Dude look that is the Stamina bar

That is the container i move to make the effect

That is what happens if i use scale on the StaminaBar


Apologies, didn’t see you had two videos different videos in your post…

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Maybe this post could help

No, that dont help, my problem is different

i recomend ui gradient transperancy but its been over 3 years since u made this post, if you find the solution please do say

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