How do i make an gui that will have shirts from your inventory show the name how it looks and how much it costs

how do i make an gui that will have shirts from your inventory show the name how it looks and how much it costs


I made a post to making a proxy and if you follow that then the code in roblox should be:

local http = game:GetService('HttpService')
local MarketPlace = game:GetService('MarketplaceService')

local ServerS = game:GetService('ServerStorage')

local Prices = {}

local PlayerId = 0 --Id Here

local Proxy = "PUT PROXY HERE" .."?link="

local Url1 = ""..PlayerId

local Encoded = http:JSONEncode(Url1)

local res = http:GetAsync(Proxy..Url1)

res = http:JSONDecode(res)

if then
	for i,v in pairs( do
		local Info = MarketPlace:GetProductInfo(v.assetId,Enum.InfoType.Asset)
		if Info.PriceInRobux ~= nil then
			Prices[v.assetId] = Info.PriceInRobux


That should work. If you need any help just ask :slight_smile:

and how do i make it that it will get the player id automaticly

@hya123456h but in the title i asked how do i make an gui that do it so what do i need in the gui?

I just put it all in the file.
ShowShirts.rbxm (14.2 KB)

This Shirt remote event goes in replicated storage. The ScreenGui goes into StarterGui and the script goes into serverscript service

The ui isn’t that good because I am a terrible ui maker.

well i have an error: HttpService is not allowed to access that ROBLOX resource @hya123456h

oops sorry I was doing some stuff. It worked fine for me did you modify the code in any way?

yes i did its just saying that error

local http = game:GetService('HttpService')
local MarketPlace = game:GetService('MarketplaceService')

local ServerS = game:GetService('ServerStorage')

local Prices = {}


local PlayerId = player.UserId --Id Here

local Proxy = "" .."link="

local Url1 = ""..PlayerId.."/inventory/11?limit=100&sortOrder=Asc"..PlayerId

local Encoded = http:JSONEncode(Url1)

local res = http:GetAsync(Proxy..Url1)

res = http:JSONDecode(res)

if then
	for i,v in pairs( do
		local Info = MarketPlace:GetProductInfo(v.assetId,Enum.InfoType.Asset)
		if Info.PriceInRobux ~= nil then
			Prices[v.assetId] = {["Price"] =  Info.PriceInRobux,["Id"] = v.assetId}

can you send me the project file?

Very sorry for not responding the problem is that you forgot the “?” infront of link so it should be: local Proxy = "" .."?link="

Also, not sure if this is related, but in game settings you might need to enable HTTP requests.

File > Game Settings > Security > Allow HTTP requests > enabled

it was alredy enabled so yeha…

the code will still not work so how do we fix and if you can please send the file of the game

I did it’s here


thats what you sended me im talking about the game it self bc its not working for me

It worked fine for me. You can test it here: CommandRunner - Roblox. However the ui got a bit squished. It might be because the website can be slowed down so you sometimes have to wait about 2-5 mins

Sorry, this experience is private. can you let me in

Ohh veryyy sorry about that forgot to turn my notifications to watching. I updated it now

generally you are supposed to provide code for people to work with, instead of asking for scripts straight away