How do I make arms move with camera movement (that also animate)?

Hello, I am making a fist fighting game and one thing that would make it very good is if the punching animations would move with the camera in first person. I’m bad at explaining stuff so here is an example of what I want to achieve Kapwing — Create more content in less time
I haven’t found much videos on explaining this and on the devforum, there are only stuff like this about guns that i have no idea about how to use them. Thanks for reading.

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thats actually framework, there are a lot of vids on yt for that
try the ones that are 20 mins long because they probably explain it better
arsenals framework is a lot, it probably took 1 month to script it and stuff because of the skins and all that

most of them dont work for me i think i do something wrong


most of them don’t animate and use blender and are still only for guns. i am trying every solution right now

maybe this vid can help Tutorial \ How Animate Viewmodels in Blender to Roblox! - YouTube

i’ll try it, thanks for the help

Try this:

-- initialize local variables
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer

local function CharacterAdded(character)
	--// wait for the humanoid to ensure it exists
	local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

	-- set and keep every body part Transparency to its real transparency
	for childIndex, child in pairs(character:GetChildren()) do
    	    if child:IsA("BasePart") and child.Name ~= "Head" and child.Name ~= "UpperTorso" and child.Name ~= "LowerTorso"  then
            	    child.LocalTransparencyModifier = child.Transparency
        	child.LocalTransparencyModifier = child.Transparency
	-- if the player steps in a vehicle
	    if camera.CameraSubject:IsA("VehicleSeat") then
 	       camera.CameraSubject = humanoid

--// if they've already spawned
if player.Character then

--// connect when they spawn

Let me explain, this basically makes certain body parts in first person, unlike the gif you sent - this isn’t framework and it just makes certain body parts visible. Hope this helps, have an amazing rest of your day/night.

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wow, thanks. i will try that and let you know if it works


If it works, make sure to mark it as a solution so we know that you’ve found a solution. :slight_smile:

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well, I think animating that would be a good idea, like, it’s more perfect.

But if you don’t know how to animate, at the moment, you could use scripts even without animations.

Ah, they use animation. Thanks

one more thing, where do i put this script? it seems like a local script but in which location

LocalScripts are usually placed in StarterPlayer or StarterGUI. It depends on what they’re meant to preform, if they’re for the character - StarterCharacterScripts, but our case, it’s used for the player - meaning, you place it in StarterPlayerScripts. :smile:

Quick side note: This is meant for R15, to change that -

change this line to

child.Name ~= "Torso"
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i already realized that and changed to ‘torso’ thanks for telling me tho

so i have tested it. it works but i also need it to move the arms up and down when moving the camera. that’s why i thought it is a better idea to use fake arms that animate. anyways, thank you, it really brings it a step further to my goal.

Oh, if you’re going for framework, here’s something that could help you out!

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videos on youtube is kinda bit complicated i think. its really hard to understand as a rookie.