How do i make custom commands for Cmdr

How do i make custom commands for Cmdr
Thats about it i got it setup i just need to know how to make the custom commands i looked on the website and i dont understand how to do it if you could provide a video or explanation on how to do this please let me know!


Here’s a template with comments to guide you. I recommend doing research and looking at the existing commands to learn how they are laid out and made.

Name this module to command name

return {
	Name = "kick";
	Aliases = {"boot"};
	Description = "Kicks a player or set of players.";
	Group = "DefaultAdmin";
	Args = {
			Type = "players";
			Name = "players";
			Description = "The players to kick."; --you can input their usernames when the type is players, I recommend doing research on the types.
			Type = "string";
			Name = "reason";
			Description = "The reason to kick the player."; --Make sure to include the name and description

Name this to the command name but add server at the end

return function (_, players, reason) --returns the command
	for _, player in pairs(players) do --this gets the player
		player:Kick("You have been kicked for "..reason) --includes the kick reason.

	return ("Kicked %d players."):format(#players) --tells you how many players were kicked

The best way is using string.split(Strint,Seperator)

So when a player chats you split up what they say. Or a textbox

function OnChat(Text)
local SplitVer = string.Split(Text," ") – split at spaces
if SplitVer[1].lower == “kick” then
– find and kick SplitVer[2]

So if I was to say “:kick minimic2002”
SplitVer will become {":kick",“minimic2002”}

String.Split will split up wherever it find the seperator, the seperator is just string and can consist of multiple characters.

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Im talking about this

Not a entire admin script

There’s a documentation for it.
You’ll have to tweak in BuiltInCommands in the Cmdr ModuleScript.
Select any category (Admin, Debug, Utility)
Then, create 2 modulescripts. One named as your command and another named the exact same but with “Server” at the end.
Let’s say I want to make a command named test. You’d have to make a first ModuleScript named “Test” and another one named “TestServer”.
In the first ModuleScript (Test), it would look like this.

return {
	Name = "test";
	Aliases = {};
	Description = "Prints something in the console.";
	Group = "DefaultAdmin";
	Args = {
			Type = "string";
			Name = "text";
			Description = "The text to print.";

The server ModuleScript would then look like this.

return function (context, text)
	return "Printed the text."
--What is returned here will show in the Cmdr command bar

This is a very barebone tutorial but you’d get the idea.


Ok so i did what you said and tryed to make my own command as a start its a simple command where you just change a int value of a int value object but it wont work heres the module script (not server)

return {
Name = "Core Temp";
Aliases = {};
Description = "Changes Core Temp";
Group = "DefaultAdmin";
Args = {
		Type = "number";
		Name = "TempNumber";
		Description = "Core Temp Number";

And heres the 2nd module script (server)

return function (context, text)

game.ServerScriptService.CoreExplosionScript.CoreTemp = text

return "Core Temp Changed."

--What is returned here will show in the Cmdr command bar


Try this instead:
game.ServerScriptService.CoreExplosionScript.CoreTemp.Value = text


Oh opps my bad i forgot to put that

Now i get this error
04:50:53.149 Core_Temp command has no implementation!

Ok so ive noticed that if i put the 2 scripts i made inside the admin folder or any other folder i can use the command (it still doesnt work cause of the error) but anyways when i put it in one of the folders i cant use some of the commands like the help command even though when i misspell a command or something it says use the help command to get a list of commands and i can only use that command and many more when i remove the 2 scripts i made

You should create a folder in ServerStorage and name it “Commands” and add this line to the Cmdr server activation script


Now you should store the custom commands in this folder. Otherwise adding custom commands to the BuildInCommands folder may break the system.
Also make sure to read the commands guide.

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Ok so i cant use the help command and the command i added to the folder isnt showing up

Make sure to add this line


To the Cmdr server activation script.


I did add that

Ok so apparently my commands i made werent in the commands folder somehow so when i moved them into it, it made the default commands work now i just need to get the command i made working because right now im getting this error

Hey i also get this error. Have you fixed your problem? cause im trying to find out how to make a command work!

@spydercam500 @Not0ffSale You need to either define a ClientRun function in the command definition module or create a separate module with the suffix -Server, like kickServer. You would use ClientRun in the command if the command can run entirely on the client.