How do I make dust particles on the player feet when running?

No, there is a state in the humanoid that switches from running and walking. at what speed does it change?

i dont thinks so, the sound of the foot step just changes depending on the speed u walk at… never heard about that

Well, there are two animations in the Roblox character, one for walking and one for running. And I know it has two states because it uses that in its script to switch between the two

Kind of inefficient,
Instead, have 1 remote for that - and pass “on” / “off” as an argument when needed.

Basically a script that checks if humanoid is on walking state then clone particles, parent will be on their feet

Got a problem…

robloxapp-20220623-0844168.wmv (833.5 KB)

The starter character floating and it’s stuck.
Nevermind i fix it.

But for the Local Script
I’m a little lost.
And it doesn’t work for me.

I also have one Sprint Script but with the local script you sent me is not working
(Heres my Sprint Script)
–This script goes in Workspace–

function onPlayerEntered(player)
repeat wait () until player.Character ~= nil
	local s = script.SprintScript:clone()
	s.Parent = player.Character
	s.Disabled = false
	player.CharacterAdded:connect(function (char)
		local s = script.SprintScript:clone()
		s.Parent = char
		s.Disabled = false		


How i can add the particles footsteps togheter?

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