I think i should add a value in datastore somehow
So, if it is a table in the datastore, you could insert the gang name into the datastore by doing:
gangds:SetAsync("key", table.insert(gangds:GetAsync("key"), name))
Typing out a long reply, give me 20min.
Ohh then i should get a player text from textbox and make it in datastore
Wait how do i get which text player wrote in textbox?
pass it along with the remote event.
and receive it like this:
event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, name)
Breeh but i alr have a on server event with Gang Remote event
Just add it as another variable on the OnServerEvent
Hmmm wait, but it will fireserver with textbox text nil, because by default is nil , i need after player entered a name and clicked enter(idk)
local Gangs = {}
local DS = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local HTTP = game:GetService("HttpService")
local Store = DS:GetDataStore("Gangs_1")
local ActiveGangs = {}
local GangMethods = {} --- Using Metatbles for this.
GangMethods.__index = GangMethods
--- Core with gang internals.
function GangMethods:AddPlayer(PlayerToAdd)
assert(not PlayerToAdd, "No player given. Cant add nil value.")
table.insert(self.Players, PlayerToAdd.UserId)
function GangMethods:RemovePlayer(PlayerToRemove)
assert(not PlayerToRemove, "Cannot remove nil player.")
local Player_Index = table.find(self.Players, PlayerToRemove.UserId)
table.remove(self.Players, Player_Index)
function GangMethods:Upgrade() -- Idk how you wanna handle this
-- Do upgrade stuff here
--- All other Core stuff here.
function DefaultGangInfo(Owner, GangName) -- Default Gang Info
return {
Owner = Owner;
Name = GangName;
GangID = HTTP:GenerateGUID();
Players = {}; -- by userid
Upgrades = {
["Health"] = 1; -- Upgrade Name Level.
function CheckGangExist(GangName)
return Store:GetAsync(GangName) and true or false
function Gangs.Create(Owner, GangName) -- When player wants to create a new Gang.
assert(not GangName, "No name given! Cannot create a Gang with no name!")
assert(not Owner, "Cannot create gang without owner.")
local GangInfo
if not CheckGangExist(GangName) then -- Check if Gang exists.
GangInfo = DefaultGangInfo(Owner, GangName)
Store:UpdateAsync(Owner.UserId, function(Old)
return GangInfo -- save new gang to Gang list.
return setmetatable(GangInfo, GangMethods)
function Gangs.Load(Owner)
local GangData = Store:GetAsync(Owner.UserId)
local GangMeta
if GangData then
GangMeta = setmetatable(GangData, GangMethods)
ActiveGangs[GangData.GangID] = GangMeta
return GangMeta
return Gangs
My god, that looks so hard omg
Its not to complex, just read the code.
Lemme try that tommorow my brain is already tired from all of that ty
If that is hard for you, learn OOP. It will help you understand.
I was trying to figure out a way to not use OOP but it would require a lot of extra memory usage. So, this solution that was the most efficient was this choice, lol.
@PhantomGame_Youtube I have a link to a post I made regarding the theory behind OOP. I will post it below:
Thanks for sharing my faction system!