How do i make GUI like this?

can anyone could help how to make this Tween GUI?
like it will come up in the screen(Not on the edges) it come up somewhere and scale.
this is the vid.
sorry if you need to download it ._.

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I highly suggest reading TweenService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub for more information.

This incorporates the use of TweenService and will require a decent amount of knowledge to implement.

You can also refer to this nifty thread: [Advanced UI] Introduction to 2D Animations

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I suggest to watch this video:

im asking for Tweeni GUI not for gui design
but thx for the vid

Go with @CanadianDefenders’ suggestion and learn about TweenService and the inbuilt TweenPosition, TweenSize and TweenSizeAndPosition functions of the GuiObject class.