How do I make my game 13+ restricted?

Heading, as in, it has not happened yet. Comply with the rules as they are currently.

I never said don’t comply with the rules…Just that what you are suggesting is discrimination, is by definition not.


Not all games are meant for all ages. Phantom forces, and most horror games aren’t targeted towards kids. Just because a platform is for all ages, doesn’t mean everything on their is for every age.
YouTube is for all ages, but not all content on YouTube is appropriate for a 6 year old.


Yet phantom forces is still here. It is not overly violent. You are able to toggle off “gore” graphics (it’s only the blood really atm, but it’s just a red flat cylinder)

YouTube actually requires you to tell them if your video is targeted to kids or not. YouTube also has proper age-restricting. Roblox does not. Again, non-comparison.

Yes, I agree. ROBLOX doesn’t have proper age restricting, which is why he’s taking it into his own hands for his game, as a sensible person would.

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But the issue in the first place is making content that should not be for <13 users. Roblox is not that platform “yet”. If OP really wants to continue this 13+ project without being moderated, OP might as well move it to another game engine like unity.

It doesn’t matter that it’s not for <13 users, because he’s not targeting the game towards them. He’s actually doing a sensible thing by trying to prevent them from playing his game, as if I were a parent I wouldn’t want my kid playing an extremely gory ROBLOX game, even if it did abide by TOS.

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This is my last post.

Roblox is a platform meant for all ages. If your projects cannot be for all ages, wait until Roblox has proper age-restrictions (which probably may not come for a long time, and can be ineffective if kids lie about their age), scrap it, or move to another game engine. Period.

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It took way too long to get to this point, but yes Roblox currently doesn’t support age-gating unfortunately. It probably wouldn’t fly with moderation either.
What I can say is it is part of Roblox’s vision to allow this. So if you are working on this kind of project. Make it a side project that you can release say in maybe a 1-2 years timeframe if im being generous.

Alternatively, if your game follows TOS but you still think it should be restricted, you’d have to either hold off or release it anyway.


There could be serious legal consequences for implementing a “trick” like you suggest. Tricking players into revealing their age would not only violate Roblox’s TOS, but could potentially violate COPPA law on collection of information on minors under 13.

15 USC 6502 ( C ) prohibit conditioning a child’s participation in a game, the offering of a prize, or another activity on the child disclosing more personal information than is reasonably necessary to participate in such activity;

I am not a lawyer, but if a developer were to ask for more information than Roblox requires in exchange for the player to be able to access their game, that would likely be seen as a violation of this law.

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FYI, media with age rating equivalent to PG-13 do not usually need restrictions. A child can go to a PG-13 movie and watch it alone. Only those with the age rating equivalent to R need restrictions, as they contain a hefty lot more inappropriate content.

Yes, but your can’t fake your maturity and age-based knowledge, so I think this shouldn’t be a solution.

If I ever wanted to create a 13+ filter, I would make a UI that asks a few questions to determine the user’s education level and mind complexity. If they pass the questionnaire, they are allowed in the game and never have to take it again.

I would be careful about the questions, however. Here are some questions that might work, so you can get a basic idea of the education of the user:

  • If you put any number to the power of zero, what happens?
  • Are there triangles in every shape?
  • What does “sectioned” mean?
  • What is the purpose of Discord? (Many young children don’t know what it is)
  • How many World Wars are there?
  • Does your voice come from your mouth or throat?
  • Solve this problem: 1 + 3 * 2 (Should equal 7, young children will think 8.)

However, in the future, Roblox will have built-in game ratings for each game to sort out certain ages from playing (E, E10+, T); the developer will be able to set this with a questionnaire. This feature should be available late 2020.

my game is a realistic sci-fi adventure.

Unless the questions are randomized than the system would be flawed due to how the answers could be easily spread across the community. Another possibility is how players of all ages are less likely to maintain their interest if they’re forced to complete a questionnaire.

Take a look at Phantom Forces. Anyone can play it. No need to restrict young people.

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A way to combat this is have portions of questions randomized.

In many service-based “industries” in ROBLOX this is very necessary in ensuring smooth service or correct operation of a team. Simply put, people under 13 do not think the same as people over 13 in terms of critical thinking and ability to handle stress. Kids around 10-11 probably know what Discord is now, so they’ll join the discord, and may be exposed to harsh language and possibly even graphic content online, so this is a necessary feature of the game.
What I think may be possible (USE AT YOUR OWN CAUTION) is to create an underage alt, get the userID of that and your main, then (with both that and your main in game if necessary) either have the server generate words and use TextChat:FilterStringAsync with the different userIDs or just manually enter words through a GUI you make.
I do hope ROBLOX implements a system like this, and if selected by a 13+ user they can be put with other 13+ users. It would be much much much more appealing to teenagers and improve our gameplay experience by quite a lot, and keep kids with each other, talking about kid things.

I’m sure something like this would help here for PolicyService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub.

I believe there is a way of doing this.

If you visit this API reference: PolicyService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

You will see the AllowedExternalLinkReferences on Roblox 13+ are allowed external links.

I hope this should help and would allow you to fix this possibility.
Hopefully I could help.

Yo, put a filter. Or just create another version of the game with no <13 content etc.