How do I make nights longer than days in Day night cycle

I want the night to be 15 minutes long and the day to be 10 min long and have the night to be first
but I don’t know how to do it, can someone help

Change values in lighting, such as Lighting.ClockTime.
It’s up to you to decide what time specifically would count as “day” and what would count as “night” to determine how much to modify the ClockTime.

Ok thanks for the help! I will try it out

Can you give some way to write it

Use TweenService to smoothly transition from day to night. It also allows you to set a delay and repetition. (which can come in handy if you add values instead of setting values)

This is a fast day night cycle.
you can change game.Lighting.ClockTime += 1 for a more smooth transition
but that would make it slower. to make it slower, change timespeed to a lower number (like .005)

local TimeSpeed = .2 -- this is the starting time for day

while true do
	wait(TimeSpeed) -- waits depending on how long TimeSpeed is
	game.Lighting.ClockTime += 1 -- adds one hour every time it loops
	if game.Lighting.ClockTime > 17 or game.Lighting.ClockTime < 6 then
		TimeSpeed =.1
		TimeSpeed =.2
	print(TimeSpeed) -- you can remove this if you want

place a normal script in server script service and paste this in.
(this will not work if you put it in Lighting)


I suppose this is in seconds Thanks !