How do I make roblox footsteps sound go away?

the default sound for footsteps on roblox i’m currently trying to remove. how can I do this?


There is a sound inside the character’s rootpart called Running. Delete that/turn the volume to 0.

Character.HumanoidRootPart.Running.Volume = 0


There was a change in the Sound system for Characters. You have to set the Volume property of the Running sound object inside HumanoidRootPart to 0.

local Character = script.Parent
local RootPart = Character.HumanoidRootPart
local Sound = RootPart:WaitForChild("Running", 10)

Sound.Volume = 0

Put this in a LocalScript, and put the LocalScript in StarterCharacterScripts:

local runSound = script.Parent.HumanoidRootPart:WaitForChild("Running")

runSound.Volume = 0

I’m pretty sure this should work.


Friendly reminder about the fact that setting the volume of sounds in the HumanoidRootPart is not a valid solution anymore because of the way the character sounds are handled. The server no longer has any role in character sounds, so using a script will not work. As for a LocalScript, you will only be muting your own Running sound for yourself.

Every client creates its own version of character sounds for every spawned character in the game. Therefore, the only real solution is to do something from the current client. That is to either mute the Running sound for every spawned character or the proper way, forking RbxCharacterSounds and muting it from there.


So. Is there a way to accomplish this?

Roblox sound effects are stored on the HumanoidRootPart.

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Please actually read the post.


There’s a local script located in PlayerScripts in the Player instance named RbxCharacterSounds which manages all character sound effects, you can copy it from run mode and insert it on StarterPlayerScripts to replace the default version.

Line 27 - 31 of the script, which is part of a table containing all the sound effects, has a reference to the running sound; you can simply just set the SoundId to a blank "" string.

i would recommend you to not remove the original SoundId and keep it somewhere/turn it into a comment, incase if you want use it again


i made code that solved this problem… anyone wants it?

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I would like it please {wordddd}

So you basically use a local script, Which justice roys the walking sound in the humanity group code

How to access it? Do I got into play test mode and click in explorer?

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