How do I make servers fill and play with friends without choosing server fill

So if you want to fill servers as full as possible:
Go to your game > configure this place > access then select “Fill each server as full as possible” and save. This should then make Roblox full servers as full as possible before making new servers.


Go to “Configure this Place” on the page of your game and go to “Access”.
You should see this:

(Note: the “Roblox optimizes server fill for me” is the default and you should change it to “Fill each server as full as possible” for what you are trying to achieve).

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It says you will lose robux earned and enganged time

But I don’t wanna lose robux earned and engaged time

That is sadly just the price you have to pay if you want do to accomplish that (according to Roblox). But this is how you do it, so it’s up to you to choose if you want it or not.

Honestly, it shouldn’t affect your game that much. It’s never negatively impacted mine.


Oh ok but can we get game players using httpsservice?

I’m not exactly sure I get what you’re asking, could you elaborate?

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So basically, I want to get the player count of my game using httpsservice, how do I do it?

Using the player count and server count we can change or shut down servers,if not server fill

This is probably a little complex and depending on what you want to do with the info but here are a couple topics you can check out.

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thank you for it,but how do i teleport the player to a specific server as there is no server id for public servers

Well you can’t manually place people in public servers, and that would be quite the hassle. This is something Roblox handles, all you can do is configure the place settings.

This is not a good idea. Imagine a player playing your game and their gameplay gets interrupted by being teleported to another server. I could easily see that could be a bit of an issue for the players. If you want to do this, I would recommend not forcing it on the players but rather make a teleporter in-game that player’s can go to under their own volition to go to a server much larger.

However, that would be much more work for a rather small benefit. If I were you, I would rather bite the bullet and lose your ability to see engagement time and robux earned if I wanted to have servers as filled as possible.


Ok but do you think


is a good idea?

I do not. I think it’s best to leave all the server handling up to Roblox. It’s just up to you, if you want full servers or optimized servers. If you don’t want to loose the perks of the optimized server option, maybe try decreasing the max amount of players per server so they’re more likely to fill until you get more players.


I want all servers to fill not to be a bit empty so you suggest using server fill of roblox?

Yes, the place setting we’ve described above.

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Ok I got it, the reason why I asked another way is still some servers were there as almost empty so I thought server fill don’t work

It will work. Roblox will prioritize filling servers if you have that option selected and saved. But again, if you don’t want to loose the perks of optimized just try lowering your max player count until you have more people playing your game.

Ok thank you! I just saved it and hope it works

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this doesn’t work lol, it actuallyy makes even more servers for no reason

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