How do I make this type of terrain?

Hello. I love mountaineering. I want to bring it to roblox as a terrain / realism demo. But the problem is, I’m incredibly bad at roblox terrain, even using plugins.

I would like some tips on how to achieve for example, this terrain:


Any help is appreciated!


If your good at building, part to terrain is always an option, then you can always ‘paint’ different materials over it and/or smooth it over

Thats some really advanced terrain, first of all, roblox dosent have custom decoration so it would be really hard, you can try to have the same color theme going on in the terrain color tab and add custom materials


You should really think about the advantages of using smooth terrain. (most notably that it can easily be edited)
You can also try generating terrain in Roblox and working from that.

If you decide not to go with smooth terrain, I believe your best option is to use an external program to generate the terrain and import it into studio.
See this tutorial for example: Large-Scale Roblox Terrain: The ultimate guide

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You can first build a blocky map of the terrain with different colored blocks for different types of terrains. And then you can make the terrain above the blocks. And after that, use the smooth tool to smooth it. And lastly, to give it some realistic touch, paint the terrain slightly. You can also watch tutorials on Youtube and follow along. Remember, practice makes perfect. Try out different things and experiment on your own. You’ll get there one day.