How do i make world events seem more threatening

so, im making a mars sandbox survival game. Im currently making a dust storm system into the game because i wanted to add some world events.
Currently this is how it plays out:

i will add some features like the storm draining energy from player, breaking off small parts off of buildings, and slowing the player down later


Not sure if the music is a part of the storm, but if it is, make the music seem ominous and kind of mysterious. You could also add some flying particles which could catch the player off guard and add a suspenseful feel to it. Definitely a stretch, but if you think you can do it, it would be awesome, if there are buildings or something like that, you could add damage done to the buildings after/during the storm which could give the following storms/events some worry and fear added to them.

So to sum it up:
~ Ominous Music
~ Flying Particles
~ Damage done to buildings


All in all, the idea is really cool that you are doing, cool to see some planet games, allows for a lot of creativity in the design of things.


I agree with this, something that would help a lot is particles and some slight screen shake aswell


ive gotten this idea from years ago (maybe 3) Never had the chance the visualize it nor make it because no knowledge. Sadly almost all games based around mars have died in roblox. Just hoping mine doesnt meet the same fate…


A game only truly dies if the creator gives up on it, from what I saw of it, I think it looks really good, and you should really go forward with it, it could be a really really good concept if done well

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Maybe add a dust overlay to the screen, or make the corners of the screen darker?

Like other people said, adding actual dust particles could definitely help too.

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  • Make a colored vignette effect appear onscreen while outside

  • Add dust specs that appear on the players screen and go transparent shortly after.
    (Use images in the UI to do this)

  • Add a small particle emitter for flying dust that tracks the players position (To keep framerate up)

  • (Maybe) add some large flying rocks that’ll damage the player when they collide with the player.

  • Make the player get pushed by the wind and majorly lower their walkspeed when outside

  • Make the UI and camera shake when outside

  • Louder and more intense wind sounds, it doesn’t sound threatening.


can you find a good website to get a sand storm or dust storm sound effect? I cant find any that doesnt have rain …

this seems bloody familiar

have i talked to you about that project before??

Regardless… try having there be sounds of dust particles hitting your visor and body
at a variable frequency that changes frequently to make it noticable of how frequent the wind changes

aswell as some particles flying into the wind directions nearby the player and maybe having the visor get dirtier

and having objects fly into the wind direction every now and then

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dont know what you are talking about… Ive definitely seen you in the project getting hate one but never in my topics

Maybe elsewhere such as on DS… but whatever, how did you like my feedback?

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How about some music like this as the background?

you know he makes music for a job, right?

uhhhhhhhhh yesno. (I forgored) But im still curious on how i could find some good themed background music.

soundcloud probably (i’m no composer). Or just hire someone. Or take the music that @OffGridDude just sent in here

An amazing trick you could implore is have subconsciously in the background of the player, make them know that IT WILL happen and they have a short time to prepare, you could also make it more threatening by adding a lot of relevant stuff they have to do before it arrive.

Im not saying to introduce a timer until the sandstorm, but add an element where it is introduced as a eldritch (eldritch as in nothing can stop it and its bound to arrive), and they should do their most to prepare for it.

I made this track on our app, Audioscape. We built a human-made generative music engine that makes horror tracks, and 7 other music styles. It’s free for Roblox developers in our private beta.

Here’s our post to Community Resources. DM me if you’ like an account.

Sure. @Quvelor – I saved that track that I made with our Audioscape app.

You are welcome to use it in your game.

Reach out to me for the full 3 min MP3 and Roblox sample code.

I would say some major things you should add to this are more ominous music, subtle camera shake, heavy wind sounds, and big dust particles.

For the dust particles, how I would personally do it would be to have an invisible part that follows the player on the client and emits big dust particles from it. You want to make sure the part doesn’t rotate with the player as well that way the dust seems like it’s coming from the same direction as the player turns.

Another small effect you add is camera blur. You can have a blur effect that subtly changes the amount of blur. This should barely be noticeable