How do I offset a GUI element relative to rotation?

  1. What do you want to achieve? I want to be able to move a gui element relative to rotation (kind of like how you can move a part relative to CFrame.LookVector)

  2. What is the issue? I have tried a few things, but all of them need some form of math that I don’t know to actually work. And no, I can’t offset the gui by a fixed number.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Converting the rotation to udim2 via 90 → Udim2.fromOffset(1, 0), etc

Im pretty sure it is self explanatory for what im going with here but if you need more info just ask!
I just need some simple function or math formula to do this, which im not very good at.

I think this post has what you’re looking for? Yours is similar to it in that they both want to move a Gui element relative to rotation

That post does get me closer but it has some error when I try to bring it over to my code.image
in this image, the blue line is supposed to line the inside edge but it doesn’t start in the right position and it curvesinto the middle instead. (yes, im using bezier curves)