How do I play an action animation in harmony with my run animation?

As the title reads, how do I play an action animation in harmony with my character’s run and idle animation without looking like a grandpa with terminal arthritis.
This is what it looks like atm:

How do I make it so that while my action animation is running, my legs would still work like a normal person’s would. So basically it’ll be my idle or running animation working as per normal but with the action animation playing as well. And yes, my animation priority is appropriately set beforehand to action.

Did you add keyframes to the arms and legs unrelated to the animation by any chance? Since you’d only have to do the animation for the arm that throws it

Nope, only added to the arm animation as needed. No idea why it’s interferring with the other parts, Is the priority too high perhaps?

What code do you have, maybe it’s related to that?

Nothing animation related aside from the arm stuff.

Did you use Moon Animator? If so, maybe try ot recreate it using the Animation Editor?

I made it using moon, then exported from the animation editor.

Hmm, try to completley make it using the animation editor and see if that makes any changes?

try changing priorities for your animation

I used another animation that was made with the editor and still no change.

I did, I swapped through all four priorities and nothing.

I think it maybe something with your code? It’s unlikely but could you show the code related to throwing the mjolnir and playing the animation?