How do i prevent my game from being stolen?

My game, ‘SURVIVE THE NIGHT’ has been stolen by exploiters.
I’d like to know how to prevent this, as there are files of the game floating around on other platforms, and since Roblox can’t interfere with other platforms, I want to know a way to PREVENT exploiters from stealing the game.

Whoever knows how to help or knows good advice, please reply.

UPDATE 2: I have no idea how to delete posts, but here’s what i’ve found out:
This is a way way older version of the game, and after further research I found out there was a backdoor inserted into one script that i just didn’t quite look into enough, however if there’s a way to take down games that are reuploading the older versions that’d be great


is your game un-copylocked? exploiters have a lot of ways to get game maps


No, it isn’t uncopylocked, and that would mean the game was stolen without my permission.

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You can’t prevent it from being stolen. It’s basically impossible, there are things you can do to protect certain assets though. I’m not really the person to ask on asset protection though. I know wiki has some good articles.

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What was stolen exactly? Was it all the local stuff? Or did it include server scripts and server side assets?

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This has been brought up many many many times already please search before posting next time


What part of the game was stolen? Just the maps or everything?

Everything was stolen from the game, including LocalScripts.

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It included server scripts, local scripts, server side assets

It sounds impossible for someone to steal your place including server scripts with exploits. Unless the server scripts were in replicated storage for some reason. Did you have team create open on this where someone you let in stole it? Maybe a bad plugin could possibly do this though I’m not too sure.

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Yikes, hopefully its not this if your server scripts are being stolen :thinking:

The best way is just to report the user and get him/her banned. As @SpawnScripts said,

which is very true. There are lots of exploits which can easily steal users game. Such as like Jailbreak, the whole map has been leaked many times! But not there scripts, Ima assume the scripts are kept in a safe place such as in Replicated Storage, (correct me if I’m wrong on this).

Straight forward, users game can easily be copied BUT your scripts CANNOT IF you secure the script in a safe place.

Small correction local scripts and some modules can be stollen however server scripts cannot. There are things you can do but most local scripts are accessible to all exploiters that have synaps or protosmasher or some other lvl 5 exploit.

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LocalScripts and ModuleScripts that aren’t in a server-only service are always available to the client regardless of if they’re exploiting or not, because that code has to be executed by their machine for the game to run in the first place. Server script instances can still be taken if they’re in a container that replicates to the client but the bytecode of them isn’t given to the client so it appears blank.

The “level” of an exploit simply determines the security context level it’s running on, it doesn’t mean much in the way of things. Easy answer to this question which has already been posted many times is that you don’t prevent your game from being stolen, the possibility is inherently possible the same way it is with non-Roblox games. Just report or issue takedown requests on reuploads of stolen games.

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what if I took some pictures and make them? There’s no copywrite in the game, so it’s basically impossible to prevent game’s been stolen i think.

As of present there is no way to prevent exploiters copying your game, anything the client has access too, an exploiter is able to create a copy of if they desire. This does however mean that they are unable to copy any server scripts or scripts stored in ServerScriptStorage

(Obligatory IANAL, obligatory “may have no idea what I’m talking about”.)

Works that you create or upload to the Roblox website, except where otherwise proven, are regarded or assumed to be your own Intellectual Property (IP). There are laws regulating both IP and copyright, so while you may not have a copyright you still have protection on your IP.

Whether you hold a copyright on a work or not is irrelevant to the topic of “how can I stop my game being stolen” as well as “can my game be stolen”, those are separate conversations. Copyright is legally-related regarding rights over your work and how others may interact with it.

Game theft, on its own separate topic, is inherent to any game be it on Roblox or not. The client requires access to assets to be able to run the game and as such, it’s possible to rip assets from a game. On Roblox this is just called “decompiling the game” or whatever.

It’s impossible to prevent your game’s assets from being stolen because assets are sent to the client to be able to run the game at all. On the other hand, there are laws out there that you can use in order to protect your work by, most common example, use of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

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My tactic is to only load the part of the game that is needed. For example, if you enter a cave the game deletes unseen parts. When these parts are needed again then you can just copy them from ServerStorage again. I chose ServerStorage because only the server can see ServerStorage. (NOTE: The map parts that can be unloaded must be in ServerStorage) You can achieve this with invisible parts which when touched, unload/load parts of the map.

I do not know if StreamingEnabled helps but it would be worth a try.

I don’t know about you but I don’t fancy or recommend sacrificing performance like that on the basis of trying to combat an inherent problem with games. Chunk load for the sake of chunk loading, not for battling exploits. The client is responsible for rendering as well so it can have a much better time loading and replicating assets it can actually access, so pieces are better placed in ReplicatedStorage.

Can you link the game so that I can see how this was done?