How do I receive an email or some type of notification when someone joins my game?

I want to receive an email, discord ping, or some other type of notification whenever someone joins my game. I want to do this because I want to join the player in my game.

Is there a simple setting I can turn on or do I have to script the feature? I looked online and I can’t seem to find how to implement it.


http service for discord ping
idk how to do email

how do i make the message ping me

you would make a discord bot
and use http service to make it DM you

i have seen youtubers who make a discord bot send a message in a certain channel, but i don’t get how i am supposed to send a message through dm

I have never done a DM using roblox before so im not 100% sure if you can do that but you should be able to I could be wrong

You’d have to do it through a web-hook and it can only be done through a channel that has that web-hook.

are dm’s possible tho?
i’ve done the channel thing before so I don’t know for sure

I dont know what language you code discord in, but I know in node.js for discord you can tell it to send a message to the channel or dms

oh trust me ik how to use discord.js very well
that is a simple task

I just wanted to know if you could use http service in a roblox script to dm someone instead of using a webhook on a channel

use express & discord.js in node.js

for email you will need a smtp server

make a api with express and using discord.js dm the specified user

and then you can call that api endpoint when a player joins your game


You can get a website with PHP then call the function “mail”, it allows you to send emails to yourself.

Make a PHP file with that then use HttpService to run that file every time someone joins your game.

You can read more about the “mail” function on the official PHP website.

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Discord webhooks are a very good way to do this. But it’s risky because if your game gets big it will be sending too many Http requests at a time.

You can use discord webhooks. This can send a message into a discord server.

There is a rate limit on discord webhooks and if to many people join and leave you could get banned on discord(not the server, your acc gets deleted).

Read this article:

You don’t need to know how to code in any launguage other than LUA(what roblox uses).