How do I remove these blocky shadows?

Okay but this happens for every shadow in the game. Am I missing something? You don’t seem to be reading my messages

Sorry, I only read what you replied to me. I don’t know how to fix it besides that.

What graphic motor you’re using?

that’s maybe a GPU issue if it doesn’t fix. or even a RAM issue. I’ve seen systems having weird graphical glitches like this. take the Wii for example, when the GPU starts dying, weird black specks appear on the screen. and RAM, usually has some weird lines from the 3D models. try resetting Studio’s settings. if it still doesn’t work, maybe you should replace your GPU/RAM.

This issue is now happening for me. Hopefully Roblox will be able to solve this issue as it randomly occured while playing Roblox Bedwars (same creator of Islands).

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Super weird, mind showing screenshots too?