As @Tamzy3D said, we are going to need more of your code to understand the issue and help you out.
Everything else doesn’t relate to the problem because they don’t alter the camera or change the character’s location and I’m not tweening anything else too so there’s no way that any other code would be the problem, I’m 100% sure that the problem is because of Roblox automatically smoothly tweening the camera whenever I manually set the CameraType to Custom.
The answer above applies to that aswell.
From just that 1 line of code, that only teleports the character, so you shouldn’t be having any camera issues…? Is this camera smoothing is just coming from teleporting the character to a different location?
Yes, I’m certain that it’s because I’m teleporting the character while setting their CameraType to Custom Roblox then automatically does the smooth tweening that I don’t know how to stop so this is why I created this topic.
However I have made a second attempt to fix it on my own as you can see above and I have made it way better but the camera still breaks for a second.
In the most recent video, it looks like you have the camera set to a specific CFrame then you teleport the player in. There isn’t a way to suspend the camera like that unless you have the character in that positon (which I assume you don’t), so you are setting the camera at some point?
No, I’m not changing the camera’s CFrame or CameraSubject at all, the only code that I’m using which alters the camera and is my current best solution is:
game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom
Which is basically waiting for the lowest wait time possible and then manually setting the CameraType to Custom after the character has teleported.
But the problem is that I feel like even though I got rid of the automatic Roblox smooth tweening it’s technically still there because it’s still breaking the camera and the wait() is useless because of that but it still works since it prevents the camera from glitching out is it even possible to remove the automatic Roblox smooth tweening when you do that?
It’s very annoying.
I’m afraid I still don’t understand. In the most recent video, why does it appear that your camera’s CFrame is set to above the green baseplate area while you are on that menu then upon clicking it, it resets to the character. Is that because your studio camera’s position is there when you play or…?
That’s because I made it so the camera is in that position and then when I click the “Test” button the camera will go to my character but it has a 1 second delay because Roblox’s automatic smooth tweening like I said above is breaking it but don’t worry about that because it has nothing to do at all with this problem.
I just made it like that so I could debug and test the code easier to see what’s going on.
This must be what is causing some strange camera lag for me. I can show a video with it but this is interesting. The only solution to this might be coding your own camera script.
Could you show the video so I could see if your issue is similar to mine and also can you explain how I would go about coding my own camera script so this will work fine?
Mine isn’t completely related to your issue here. I will record a video soon.