I made the Scrolling Frame Anchor Point 0.5,0.5 and everything else shrinks but the image labels inside the scrolling frame. Their offsets are also 0. Is it possible to have the image labels shrink with a UiGridLayout?
Can I see the UIGridLayouts Properties?
Ok it tis as I expected, your UIGridLayout is using offset to size the frames, what you want to use instead is scale:
that may be the reason but for me i cant see the buttons anymore swapping to size rather than offset now, are the values too big or do i need to change numbers?
Ok so if you look at the tutorial I sent, scale is a percentage, except it goes from 0 to 1.
So 1 would be 100% of your screen, and 0 would be 0% of your screen.
As I can see you set it to 9, wish is 9 times the size of your screen, which is probably why its acting silly. Try setting it to something like .02, or 0.3, you can always experiment with it and see what happens
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