How do I shorten this numbers?

So this is my number Abbreviation Module…

local AbbreviateNumber = {}

local abbreviations = {
	K = 4,
	M = 7,
	B = 10,
	T = 13,
	QD = 16,
	QT = 19,
	SXT = 22,
	SEPT = 25,
	OCT = 28,
	NON = 31,
	DEC = 34,
	UDEC = 37,
	DDEC = 40

function AbbreviateNumber.Abbreviate(Number)
	local Text = tostring(math.floor(Number + 0.5)) -- rounds to nearest whole number

	-- We can find the numbers of characters in a text by doing #Text , where "Text" is the text you are using
	if #Text > 4 then
	    Text = Text:sub(1, #Text-4)
	    for Letter, Number in pairs(abbreviations) do
	        if Number <= #Text and Number+3 > #Text then
	            if Number == #Text then Number = #Text-1 end
	            Text = Text:sub(1, #Text-Number) -- We get the digits that we need in order to shorten the text
	            Text = Text .. Letter .. "+" -- This will be the shortened version
	return Text

return AbbreviateNumber

Small numbers (under e+15 is fine) but when I call that function and told it to abbreviate lets say , 9e+306 .
My module return string that is so far off. I think the problem is because my module is calculating the text length.

local m = require(game.ReplicatedFirst.Abriviate)

local value = 9e+306

local storedValue = value ~= 0 and math.floor(math.log(value) / math.log(1.0000001)) or 0 ---- (FOR DATASTORE)

local retrievedValue = storedValue ~= 0 and (1.0000001^storedValue) or 0 ---- (FOR INGAME)


that is a server script calling that module tu abbreviate retrievedValue.
It returns 8QD+ which is so far off.

Can someone help me figure this out?


You could try getting the number of digits with math.floor(math.log10(Number)) instead, not sure if that’s your problem or not.

Edit: also tostring will give you the actual "9e306" string, which is not what you want.

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You’re using numbers that Lua cannot represent because they’re so large. The highest you can go is around 4.5e15 according to this:

There are “bignum” libraries that let you use bigger numbers.

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You can represent up to 1.7e308 in roblox technically, but the integers stop being completely represented around where you said.

To use BigNums, DO NOT use any intvalues/numbervalues. Instead, you could use a stringvalue, turn it to a number using tonumber() and abbreviate it.
Here’s more about strings.
Use a remotefunction from client that’s requesting player stats each 1/30th second( while true do with a wait()) and abbreviate it.

First method will permit you to use .Changed so I recommend you doing it.

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This problem was interesting so I had a go. The trick is to use the number and do math, rather than trying to work with strings. Removed the loops too :slight_smile:

local abbreviations = {
    "K", -- 4 digits
    "M", -- 7 digits
    "B", -- 10 digits
    "T", -- 13 digits
    "QD", -- 16 digits
    "QT", -- 19 digits
    "SXT", -- 22 digits
    "SEPT", -- 25 digits
    "OCT", -- 28 digits
    "NON", -- 31 digits
    "DEC", -- 34 digits
    "UDEC", -- 37 digits
    "DDEC", -- 40 digits

local function Abbreviate(x)
    if x < 1000 then 
        return tostring(x)

    local digits = math.floor(math.log10(x)) + 1
    local index = math.min(#abbreviations, math.floor((digits - 1) / 3))
    local front = x / math.pow(10, index * 3)

    return string.format("%i%s+", front, abbreviations[index])
print(Abbreviate(9e2)) --> 900
print(Abbreviate(9e3)) --> 9K+
print(Abbreviate(9e4)) --> 90K+
print(Abbreviate(9e5)) --> 900K+
print(Abbreviate(9e6)) --> 9M+
print(Abbreviate(9e8)) --> 900M+
print(Abbreviate(9e12)) --> 9T+
print(Abbreviate(9e15)) --> 9QD+
print(Abbreviate(9e16)) --> 90QD+
print(Abbreviate(9e17)) --> 900QD+
print(Abbreviate(9e18)) --> 9QT+
print(Abbreviate(9e19)) --> 90QT+
print(Abbreviate(9e20)) --> 900QT+
print(Abbreviate(9e23)) --> 900SXT+
print(Abbreviate(9e26)) --> 900SEPT+
print(Abbreviate(9e29)) --> 900OCT+
print(Abbreviate(9e32)) --> 900NON+
print(Abbreviate(9e35)) --> 900DEC+
print(Abbreviate(9e38)) --> 899UDEC+ (floating point precision whatcha gonna do)
print(Abbreviate(9e39)) --> 9DDEC+
print(Abbreviate(9e41)) --> 900DDEC+
print(Abbreviate(9e42)) --> 9000DDEC+
print(Abbreviate(9e43)) --> 90000DDEC+
print(Abbreviate(9e44)) --> 900000DDEC+

Really nice function. Could you remake the function where you can also have decimal places
For example
Decimal places : 1
5500 → 5.5k
15500 → 15.5k
Decimal places : 3
5520 → 5.520k
15500 → 15.500k

Not as elegant as it could be, but here’s a quick solution:

local abbreviations = {
    "K", -- 4 digits
    "M", -- 7 digits
    "B", -- 10 digits
    "T", -- 13 digits
    "QD", -- 16 digits
    "QT", -- 19 digits
    "SXT", -- 22 digits
    "SEPT", -- 25 digits
    "OCT", -- 28 digits
    "NON", -- 31 digits
    "DEC", -- 34 digits
    "UDEC", -- 37 digits
    "DDEC", -- 40 digits

local function Abbreviate(x, decimals)
    if decimals == nil then decimals = 0 end
    local visible = nil
    local suffix = nil
    if x < 1000 then
      visible = x * math.pow(10, decimals)
      suffix = ""
      local digits = math.floor(math.log10(x)) + 1
      local index = math.min(#abbreviations, math.floor((digits - 1) / 3))
      visible = x / math.pow(10, index * 3 - decimals)
      suffix = abbreviations[index] .. "+"
    local front = visible / math.pow(10, decimals)
    local back = visible % math.pow(10, decimals)

    if decimals > 0 then
      return string.format("%i.%0." .. tostring(decimals) .. "i%s", front, back, suffix)
      return string.format("%i%s", front, suffix)
-- tests
function test(x, decimals, expected)
    local res = Abbreviate(x, decimals)
    print(tostring(x), "to " .. tostring(decimals) .. " places ->", res)
    assert(res == expected)

test(0, nil, "0")
test(0, 4, "0.0000")
test(1001, 2, "1.00K+")
test(1001, 3, "1.001K+")
test(100234, 2, "100.23K+")
test(1002345678, 2, "1.00B+")
test(1.23456789e35, nil, "123DEC+")
test(1.23456789e35, 2, "123.45DEC+")
test(1.23456789e44, 2, "123456.78DDEC+")

--[[ results:
0   to nil places ->    0
0   to 4 places ->  0.0000
1001    to 2 places ->  1.00K+
1001    to 3 places ->  1.001K+
100234  to 2 places ->  100.23K+
1002345678  to 2 places ->  1.00B+
1.23456789e+35  to nil places ->    123DEC+
1.23456789e+35  to 2 places ->  123.45DEC+
1.23456789e+44  to 2 places ->  123456.78DDEC+

I modified this in order to remove some of the decimals if its not needed:

local abbreviations = {
	"K", -- 4 digits
	"M", -- 7 digits
	"B", -- 10 digits
	"T", -- 13 digits
	"QD", -- 16 digits
	"QT", -- 19 digits
	"SXT", -- 22 digits
	"SEPT", -- 25 digits
	"OCT", -- 28 digits
	"NON", -- 31 digits
	"DEC", -- 34 digits
	"UDEC", -- 37 digits
	"DDEC", -- 40 digits

local function _backend(x, decimals)
	if decimals == nil then decimals = 0 end
	local digits = math.floor(math.log10(x)) + 1
	local index = math.min(#abbreviations, math.floor((digits - 1) / 3))
	local visible = x / math.pow(10, index * 3 - decimals)
	local suffix = abbreviations[index] .. "+"
	local front = visible / math.pow(10, decimals)
	local back = visible % math.pow(10, decimals)
	if decimals > 0 and back > 0 then
		return string.format("%i.%0." .. tostring(decimals) .. "i%s", front, back, suffix)
		return string.format("%i%s", front, suffix)

local function Abbreviate(x, decemals)
	if x < 1000 then 
		return tostring(x)

	return _backend(x, (decemals or 2))


Abbreviate(0, 4) -- returns "0"
Abbreviate(1000, 2) -- returns "1K+"
Abbreviate(1001, 2) -- returns "1.00K+"
Abbreviate(1001, 3) -- returns "1.001K+"

I’m not sure which discrepancies you’re referring to—that is not how I intended the function to work, you can see what I intended the results to be in the > Results part.

I like your modification, it’s just trying to do something different.

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There is already a really good module for this made by @berezaa for Miner’s Haven, which was open sourced a few years ago :smile:

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Thank you so much for this! This was exactly what I was looking for!


hi, I put your script in my ranking but I don’t like it, do you know why?

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i know a lot time gone but what did u want to do with it?:sob:

I’m not sure what these other guys are doing exactly, but this works just fine.

local abbrevs = {
	[0] = {1, ""},
	{1e3, "K"},
	{1e6, "M"},
	{1e9, "B"},
	{1e12, "T"},
	{1e15, "P"},
	{1e18, "E"},
	{1e21, "Z"},
	{1e24, "Y"},
	{1e27, "R"},
	{1e30, "Q"},

local function abbreviateNumber(num)
	if num == 0 then return "0" end

	local decimals = math.floor(math.log10(math.abs(num)))
	local short = abbrevs[math.floor(decimals/3)]

	if not short or decimals < 3 then return tostring(num) end

	return string.format("%.2f%s", num/short[1], short[2])