How do I skip a Index if the property does not exist?

While you can do this to set properties without errors:

-- This is a random function I made that has relevancy in the Topic
function makeInstance(class, data)
    local item = -- a new Item
    for i,v in data do -- iterates through Data
        pcall(function() -- so no errors occur
            item[i] = v -- applies data
    return item -- returns item

local obj = makeInstance("Part", {Parent = workspace, Position =})

I was wondering on how would I Skip a Property if it does not exist, as normally when you try it will say
... is not a valid member of ...
and I understand about using the pcall in the function to check for success and stuff, but I wanted to check before the pcall even fires, so the code can just skip before it attempts to apply a property.

So how would I do this without causing an error?

The only way I found out and the one I use is pcall. You can further refer to this post to check if an object has an property or not (it’s literally the same as what you have done tho)