How Do I Tile PBR Textures?

What Am I Trying To Achieve?

Hello :wave:, I Am Trying To Tile The PBR Textures I Imported. This Helps If I Want To Make Floor Tiles But Don’t Want To Duplicate The PBR Textures Again & Again To Cover Large Scaled Floors. *(May Cause Lag If Done Multiple Times) :grimacing:

What’s The Problem?

Whenever You Scale A Part With PBR Textures, The Problem Is That It won’t Tile The Texture Which Is Really Annoying At Times. :anguished:

Possible Solution

Is There Any Script That Tiles PBR Textures?:crossed_fingers: If So, Please Send The Script To Me In The Comments. *(I Don’t Know How To Script :smiley:)

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On the website you use for PBR textures, choose your desired one and download the 4K png but in normal style, diffuse style, and roughness style. Now that it’s downloaded, go on Roblox Studio and get a random Mesh Part and add a SurfaceAppearance inside the Mesh Part. Now that you have downloaded normal, diffuse and rough, upload them to Roblox and upload the PNGs in SurfaceApperance.

There is also no script at all as I know of.

so here the thing u cant tile pbr like textures, cause idk roblox suck on this thing,

so the best way to do is learn how to uv map in blender and bake texture. sound complicated but that the only way you can tile pbr in roblox.

next thing is you also cant script PBR because idk roblox still havent support yet lol

also im suggesting you avoid downloading 4k or 8k version of PBR cause roblox will compress it down to 1024 lol, its still going look better than 1024 but idk yeah

i hope this explain everything

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As long as the part is anchored, it shouldn’t hurt the performance. It may even help with LOD.

I Am Sorry But What Does LOD Mean? :sweat_smile:

LOD is Level of Detail, which is a dynamic detail scaling system for both textures and model polygon counts. A common implementation is model swapping at given distances.

However, Roblox also offers its own version for mesh parts. More info can be found here. This method was also implemented for Roblox terrain back in 2016, as seen here.

It may be worth writing your own LOD system in this case.

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