How do I trigger an event on a third-party sale?

If I’m understanding you correctly, you’re trying to get an event that fires every time a user in your game purchases ANY gamepass that’s not from your game? Or is it something else?

By “executed” do you mean processed or prompted? If you’re processing it locally, that’s not very secure & you should instead be using a server script that then subsequently fires to a local script when the purchase is processed

There’s an event for MarketplaceService that fires when a 3rd-party purchase is made.

It’s known as “ThirdPartyPurchaseFinished”

Is this what you’re looking for?


Witch that I mean it’s beaing prompted in a LocalScript

Yeah thank you very much, I’ll test it later, I’ll mark this as solved

How do I fix this error?

Ah that’s my mistake. I just checked the documentation and apparently the event can only be executed through the command bar. Give me a moment to find a solution.

Ok there is no an event specifically for a third party purchase sale.

But I have an idea of a workaround.

You could check if the purchase isn’t a purchase from the game your player by it’s ID.

This is what I mean:

local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

local gameDevProductIds = {000000, 000000, 000000} -- Put all the developer product IDs from YOUR game here

MarketplaceService.PromptPurchaseFinished:Connect(function(player, productId, isPurchased) -- The Event used for product purchases
	if isPurchased then -- if a purchase was made
		if not table.find(gameDevProductIds, productId) then -- and the product purchased is not one a developer product from your game then
			print("A third party purchase was made by"..player)
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What would happen if I didn’t check if it was a purchase from my game? Hope you know what I mean

Either way, the event would fire when someone makes a developer product purchase, but in order to execute a certain piece of code only for third-party purchases when the event fires, you’ll need to add a check like I did above.

That’s what I’m assuming pls donate did.

local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

local gameDevProductIds = {000000, 000000, 000000}

MarketplaceService.PromptPurchaseFinished:Connect(function(player, productId, isPurchased) -- This event will still fire
	if isPurchased then 
		if not table.find(gameDevProductIds, productId) then -- but this check will only execute the code below if its not a developer product in your game
			print("A third party purchase was made by "..player)
            -- Code you want to execute when someone makes a third party purchase
        print("A product purchase was made by "..player.." that's NOT a third-party purchase")

Would’t that also work without the table.find thing?